Choosing a Dedicated Podcast Service

Thinking about jumping into the pool of podcasting?  Awesome!  We believe every radio station in every market, no matter how small, should be owning a podcast of some kind.  The possibilities are limitless. A question we get often is "do you include podcasting in your... Read More.

Does Your Station Have a Digital Inventory List?

Ad inventory is the total amount of space that any publisher of content has available for advertisements at any given time.  If you operate a radio station, surely your sales manager maintains a list like this showing all available commercials in each daypart as... Read More.

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Radio Station Website

Countless research papers and benchmarks prove that optimizing your website speed is one of the most affordable and highest ROI providing investments you can make in your radio station website.  Here at Skyrocket Radio, we do all we can at the server and CMS... Read More.

What does the GDPR mean for my US radio station website?

What the heck is GDPR? GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It’s basically a privacy law from the European Union that went into effect on May 25, 2018 pertaining to ALL websites (whether you are big or small). It affects everyone that does ANY sort of... Read More.