Five Reasons Your Station Should Be Podcasting

The podcasting audience continues to grow, and its reinvigorating audio listening and advertising.  An Edison Research study shows that over half of all Americans have listened to a podcast, and one-third have listened in the last week. 41% of Americans say they listen to more podcasts than a year ago. The average podcast listener tunes into seven shows a week, consuming up to 6 hours of total listening time.  Whether you like it or not, podcasting is officially mainstream media.

Check out more exciting podcasting stats at

This week we want to offer five reasons your radio station should be podcasting, and we’ve enlisted the help of Mike Wilkerson, owner of the 2GuysTalking Podcast Network in St. Louis.  Mike has been hosting, producing, concepting, and enhancing podcasts since 2005. He produces content for his growing client across the nation, remotely, from his Podcast Capture Studios and via “The Podcast Bug” – a 1974 custom Super Beetle with a recording studio built inside. Mike’s bottom line is, “Podcasting is Captured Perspective.”

#1. Consider Podcasts as On-Demand Radio

Radio shows are a one-time experience. Listeners can miss out if they’re not around, but with podcasts, the shows are on-demand and available instantly.  This on-demand listening is easily consumable.  While your morning show may take 3-5 hours, the highlights can be condensed into one hour or less.  Smaller episodes are far sharable than listening to lengthy shows or waiting for rebroadcasts.

#2. Podcasting Builds Intimate Relationships

Podcasts are the ideal place to build intimate relationships. You’re able to niche down to specific audiences too, like super-fans of your shows.  Many podcasts offer more exclusive content than can fit into a regular radio show.

 #3. Podcasts Are an Extra Marketing Channel

People now spend most of their time on phones and tablets. Podcasts are about being exactly where your listeners are and allowing them to tune in however they want.  Similar to social channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, podcasting is another tool in your marketing arsenal to spread your radio shows further and reach more listeners.

#4. Podcasts are Easy for Radio Stations to Promote

Establishing a show and getting noticed is far easier for radio stations because they can use the station as a promotion vehicle.  Do not think of podcasts as a competitor.  Think of podcasts as an additional revenue stream.  Popular podcasts can earn more revenue than sponsored hours on the radio station.

#5. Podcasting Generates Revenue

Many people listen to the radio as background noise. Podcasts have been shown to offer massive cut-through, with 75% of listeners acting on content like sponsor messages. More and more advertisers are jumping into podcasts because they can select specific audiences with money to spend.  Studies show that 45% of podcast listeners are more likely to earn over $250,000 in annual income. You’ll miss this additional revenue if you think of podcasts as a competitor.

Wrapping Up

To stay ahead, radio needs to focus on what it does best and apply it to podcasting. Create podcasts based on the content you’re already creating or that ties in with your communities. Also, look into creating for underserved audiences.  Is there a particular audience in your market that nobody is serving with a radio station?  That’s a podcast opportunity.

See what your team is passionate about and try to build an audio community around those in-house experts. Studies show that more listeners would listen more often if a well-known personality hosted a show, but podcasters do not have to be morning show hosts.  That passionate salesperson who’s always wanted to be on the radio might have a winning podcast show.

Just about everyone is starting a podcast, but do not let that fact be a stumbling block.  Radio groups have seen the potential podcasts offer to extend their reach.

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