Finding Great Content for your Radio Station Website

This week we’re talking about developing a content plan for your station website.

The key to return visitors is compelling content (just like your radio station), so program your website as you would your radio station.  Use external RSS feeds to add flavor to your site, not be the main focus.  LOCAL content wins! Not the stuff that can be found everywhere else.

What content can you provide that isn’t provided anywhere else in your coverage area?

  • High school sports scores
  • Local agriculture news
  • Local events
  • Local personality’s take on national news
  • “Minute with the Mayor”
  • City Hall Sessions
  • Mugshots/police report
  • Shopping directory
  • Restaurant menus
  • Hunting/fishing guides
  • Gardening tips/tricks
  • Local music scene news and events
  • All local attractions with info and times
  • “Swap Shop” classifieds
  • Obituaries
  • Job openings (huge right now)
  • Business/school closings

Just look around your community. What need is your community missing? Fill that need online in order to build traffic day after day.

INSIDE RADIO: Interview with Townsquare’s Bill Wilson this week about “Getting Big Results From Small Markets”.
“As many of the smaller markets where Townsquare operates have fallen prey to massive cutbacks by newspapers, creating so-called “news deserts. Townsquare stepped in and filled the void with local content creation. The size of our audience, the lack of news and information serving these audiences” and what Wilson called a lack of sophisticated advertising solutions, especially on the digital side, created a major opportunity for the company.”

Read More here:

Tough Love Question! If you are in one of these markets where Townsquare operates, don’t you wish you got on board with content sooner?

So who is going to create and maintain all this content?  Last week, we told you to think of your website as another radio station. The #1 goal of your website should be to generate revenue. To generate revenue, you must have traffic and that means you must have content that is fresh daily. (New hires? College interns?)  Great content doesn’t require a big staff. If you have just one person, assign them to do just one piece of content each day and then build from there. We’ve seen station owners who know the value, site down and write news copy each day. It’s getting done elsewhere with less.

Our guest, Breck Riley, works for in Koscuisko, MS (2019 <7000 people & Attala County: <19K).  With those numbers in mind, it’s hard to realize that pulls in 20K visitors per day Monday through Friday every week.  We share this website with our affiliates often for a number of reasons, but the content is the most compelling reason.

Content = Visitors = Revenue.

Make a plan to start adding fresh content to your website on a consistent basis. That’s all for this week.

We want to help your radio station grow and succeed online.  That journey starts with an amazing website that keeps visitors coming back often.  Reach out to us to start your path to online success, or schedule an appointment to see our tools in action.

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