Making Images Accessible with Alt and Title Tags

Website images are essential for better engagement – even for sighted visitors who use special software to hear our websites.  This is where image alt and title tags become imperative. At the heart of every radio station is its content—the music, the interviews, and... Read More.

The Top Five Website-Related Skills Your Team Needs to Know

Today, we’ll cover the top five web-related skills your team members need to know for your station website to be successful. Our radio station websites are far from populating themselves with artificial intelligence (AI).  So, people must populate news and blog posts, events, contests,... Read More.

The Importance of Optimizing Website Images

The speed that your radio station website loads matters – maybe more than you realize.  Overall, we have grown increasingly impatient with the amount of time we’re willing to wait for things to load. In fact, many studies show... Read More.

Tools to Crop and Resize Images Online without Photoshop

It is human nature to be attracted to visuals.  If you are considering an information website for your radio station or group, then images are a must-have.  Images are more memorable than simple text.  They also quickly grab attention, increase clicks, reduce bounce rates,... Read More.

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Radio Station Website

Countless research papers and benchmarks prove that optimizing your website speed is one of the most affordable and highest ROI providing investments you can make in your radio station website.  Here at Skyrocket Radio, we do all we can at the server and CMS... Read More.