Choosing the Best Image File Type and Format

We’re visual by nature and visually driven. We perceive pictures faster than words, so images are scanned first, before the text.  It’s important to include images on your station website.  Unfortunately, one of the most proven ways to slow... Read More.

How Image Meta Data Helps SEO and Your Visitors

It’s probably safe to say that when most people upload images to their station website, they neglect to add additional meta-information they should.  We’re talking about the ALT TAG, DESCRIPTION TAG, and the CAPTION.  If you have a WordPress... Read More.

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Radio Station Website

Countless research papers and benchmarks prove that optimizing your website speed is one of the most affordable and highest ROI providing investments you can make in your radio station website.  Here at Skyrocket Radio, we do all we can at the server and CMS... Read More.