How Image Meta Data Helps SEO and Your Visitors

It’s probably safe to say that when most people upload images to their station website, they neglect to add additional meta-information they should.  We’re talking about the ALT TAG, DESCRIPTION TAG, and the CAPTION.  If you have a WordPress... Read More.

Weatherology Powers Our Website Weather

We are excited to announce that our official weather information provider is Weatherology. Skyrocket Radio has always offered a custom weather solution that did not depend on third-party coding to display weather information.  We believe radio stations should be able to... Read More.

What does the GDPR mean for my US radio station website?

What the heck is GDPR? GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It’s basically a privacy law from the European Union that went into effect on May 25, 2018 pertaining to ALL websites (whether you are big or small). It affects everyone that does ANY sort of... Read More.